Freitag, 23. April 2010

DailyCash 1.5

Today we added a cool feature. Now you can change the background of the app. We give you the choice between three styles:

*classic ( normal )

Here are two screenshots of the new look:

2 Kommentare:

  1. I love the app. What would need is to be able to choose a base currency like hong kong dollar, and for every transaction choose the currency like remembi CNY or japanese yen, when I travel. You can add a basic conversion menu to get still the total in hkd.
    One more thing, would be nice to be able to reset all amount to zero, instead of havimg to renstall
    If you add that you have the perfect app

  2. I love the app. What would need is to be able to choose a base currency like hong kong dollar, and for every transaction choose the currency like remembi CNY or japanese yen, when I travel. You can add a basic conversion menu to get still the total in hkd.
    One more thing, would be nice to be able to reset all amount to zero, instead of havimg to renstall
    If you add that you have the perfect app
